Once you graduate


Most of you are governed by the CESEDA (the French entry and stay code for foreigners and asylum seekers)

However, some countries have bilateral agreements with France. The bilateral agreement with Algeria is the best known because it governs the movement, stay and work of Algerians in France. The CESEDA therefore does not apply to Algerians.

For other nationalities, when the Temporary Residence Authorization is mentioned in bilateral agreements, then the CESEDA no longer applies and the agreement takes over. This is how you can obtain an APS of 6, 9 or 12 months, renewable or not, after a diploma equivalent to the Master II.

On the other hand, CESEDA has put an end to the young professional APS and replaced it with a “job search / business creation” residence permit. This card is valid for one year and cannot be renewed. It is used to facilitate the transition from student to employee status when at the end of studies a student does not have a promise of employment.

The documents for the file are the same, whether we are talking about APS or CRECE

For the moment the ANEF does not yet take this type of file. You must therefore send us your documents to etudiant@cmibrest.fr

If you have a promise of employment, you must make an appointment at the prefecture to change your status to "employee" (if permanent) or "temporary worker" (if CDD)