Enquête de satisfaction

13 Décembre, 2023 - 11:27 -- communicationUBO

Cette enquête vise à recueillir des informations auprès de toute personne ayant utilisé les services du CMI Brest.

Vos retours sont précieux pour nous aider à améliorer les services fournis par le Centre de Mobilité Internationale de Brest (CMI Brest). 

Merci de participer à notre enquête !


This survey aims to collect information from anyone who has used the services of CMI Brest.

Your feedback is invaluable and will help us improve the services provided by the Brest International Mobility Center (CMI Brest).

Thank you for participating in our survey!


1 Start 2 Complete
Which field of CMI Brest Services did you adress to?
Where did this/these services take place?
Which services did you get from CMI Brest?
How would you rate your overall experience with CMI Brest?
What aspects of CMI Brest services did you find most useful?
Are there areas where you think CMI Brest could improve its services?
Would you recommend CMI Brest?