Identical sheet of hunagry
Official language : hongrois
Capital : Budapest
Population : 10 millions(2009)
Area : 93 030 km² (France : 543 965 km²)
Currency : le Forint (Ft)
Time shift : pas de décalage horaire (GMT + 1h)
Number of universities : 72 établissements d’enseignement supérieur
Higher Education
The official website of the Hungarian Ministry of Education and culture: you will find different documents in English about the Hangarian education system from the past to the present .
Ploteus : This website contains a few information on studying in Europe. the articles are reliable sources, even if they are not always translated in French.
Enic-naric : Website in english with all the necessary information on the recognition of diplomas and on studying in Hungary.
Studyrama : A very complete site. The country sheets offer numerous links to articles covering all the needs of a student wishing to leave: pre-departure formalities, diploma equivalence, and language requirements.
Euroguidance : This site, linked to the ONISEP website, offers country sheets devoted to studies in the various countries of the European Union.
Section of the ministry of national education website on the common european framework of reference of languages .
Daily life:
Hungary tourism: Hunagary's tourism portal provides information on the country's highlights.
the website of hungarian emabssy in france: we find practical/useful information on the country, as well as information on obtaining a visa.
Europa : European union website section on the european health insurance card.
See also the sections on the LMDE et SMEBA websites devoted to student cover in case.
Mobility assistance:
Concerning the different funding possibilities, please contact your international relations office as in some cases the procedure for obtaining a scholarship goes directly through institution ( eg: the grant from the brittany's region)
Hungry institution: through this site, it is possible to access to the institute's mobility center, which provides/offers a wealth of information on scholarships for french students wishing to study in Hungary.
Section of the ministry of foreign and European affair's website on the possibilities of financing a mobility abroad.
Other sites of information:
Maison des Français de l’étranger : A website of ministry of foreign and european affairs. You will find information on all countries around the world, all kinds of information on going abroad and discussion forums.
Ministry of foreign and European affairs website : With 1.5 millions of visitors per month, this website propose practical and legal advice to french people who whish to leave . The home page has "news" section, which prevants on real time information on events in countries around the world. To be noted: the possibility to subscribe freely to RSS feeds for many countries
En route pour le monde : a website created by the youth information regional center (CRIJ bretagne), in conjuction with numerous partners, including the CMI. advice, useful addresses, testimonies ... it also contains practical information on studying , but also on internship abroad.
Guide du routard : this website is interested for the useful and practical information that it provides, but also for the highly active forums.
Courrier international : The famous weekly newspaper is present on the web, at the bottom of the site, in the section "resources", we can access to the country files which contains information about the economy, demography, and politics.
There ae also links to articles and files dedicated to each country, ideal to know the current event of the country
Hunagry and student mobility
From the moment hungary joined the european union, it took part in the bologna process, wwhich aims to establish a european higher education area. thus, since 2006 hungary has adopted the LMD system, thus facilitating exchanges with foreign students.