CMI Brest is an EURAXESS center for services and career development
CMI Brest is an EU commision endorsed EURAXESS services center.
We are offering a range of services to foreign researchers and PhD students hosted by differents institutions in the Brest area.
Entirely free, this help is offered in widely different areas such as accomodation, language courses, social security or shool enrollment for the children...
Since 2018, CMI Brest has been labeled as an EURAXESS Career Development Center and offers PhD students and researcher in the Greater Brest area thematic workshops, individual meetings and once a year, a trip in the district to help them focus and plan their careers.
> I want to know more about EURAXESS
For all PhD students og researcher already holding a PhD (postdocs, professors...), thank you to fill in that form in order to benefit from the services offered by your services center.
You'll get a registration number by e-mail as soon as your request is validated.
In 2018 in France, more than 23 800 researchers had been assisted by the French network (See 2018's report of Alfred Kastler Foundation)
Seek assistance and find informations necessary to researchers in mobility, with the help of our network of services centres.
You will as well find on this portal all the adresses of the French services centres, along with informations on the entry and residence process on the French territory.