Identical sheet of Spain
Official language : Spanish
Capital : Madrid
Population : 47,1 millions (2019)
Area : 504 782 km²
Currency : euro
Time shift : no time shift (GMT + 1h)
Student Mobility and Spain:
Spain is the first destination for Erasmus students. Culture, Spanish language, and the sun are the major factor that makes this country attractive to students.
Higher Education
Study in Spain : This website lists all the spanish universities and offers a general "topo" for each of them in Spanish. it also provides useful information about university residence, the essential procedures to find a student job there...etc.
Ploteus :This website offers a lots of information about the studies in Europe. The proposed articles are reliable sources even they are not translated in English.
Enic-Naric : A website in English with all the necessary information about the diplomas and the studies in Europe.
Studyrama : A very complete website.Country files propose many links to articles covering all the needs of a student wishing to leave : pre-departure formality, equivalence of degrees, and language requirement .
Euroguidance : This website is linked with the one of Onisep, it proposes many country files dedicated to studies in different country of European union.
Site section on the ministry of national high education website on the common European framework of reference for languages.
Daily life :
Tourism in Spain : Official tourism website in Spain ( in french).
Europa : Section of european Union website on the European health insurance card.
See also the section devoted to student cover for mobility abroad, on the siteweb of ameli, LMDE , Harmonie Mutuelle, and MGEN website, or by searching on the web.
Mobility assistance:
Concerning the different possibility of financing the scholarship, please contact your international relations office for further information, in case the procedure for obtaining a grant goes directly through your institution (eg; the brittany's region's grant).
Website section of the embassy of france in Spain on the scholarships proposed to foreign student in mobility .
Section of the website of the Ministry of foreign and European affairs. and the website enroutepourlemonde on the possibilities of financing a mobility abroad.
The ERASMUS and AMI scholarship.
Jail's Britany scholarship for BTS and DUT students: more details in website of BIJ de Brest ( the bij website of Brest tells you everything).
Other sites of information
A website of the Spanish emabssy in France.
Sanitary measures to get in spain
Ministry of foreign European affairs website : This website offers useful and legal advice for french affairs website; this website offers useful and legal advice for french people who wish to leave.
The home page has "news" section, which prevents real time information on events in countries around the world. to be noted: the possibility to subscribe freely, to RSS feeds for a large number of countries.
Guide du routard : This website is interested for the useful/practical information that it provides, but also for the highly active formus.
Courrier international : the famous weekly newspaper is present on the web, at the bottom of the site, in the section "resources", we can access to te country files which contains information on the economy, demography,and politics. There are also links to articles and files dedicated to each country