

Identical sheet of Germany 

Official language: German 
Capital : Berlin
Population : 81 millions
Area : 356 959 km² (France : 543 965 km²)
Currency : euro
Time shift  : no time shift  (GMT + 1h)
Number of universities  : 383 institutions of higher learning 

Higher education: 

Study in Germany  : a section dedicated to higher education on France-Germany portal. German university exchange service  (DAAD), Franco-German university (UFA) or also the french-German youth office (OFAJ), are interesting  links that can be found there  .

The website of  l'Office allemand d’échanges universitaires (DAAD) is an obligatory step for french students who are interested to study in Germany. It contains information on the organization of German higher education, and the equivalence of degrees.

Office franco- allemand pour la jeunesse (OFAJ) : a website filled with information about the studies and the intership in germany . Also the possibility of financing your trip.

Portail de langues franco-allemand :it is full of information about studying in germany. from the most general to the most specific.

Ploteus : this website proposes interesting information about the studies in Europe. they are reliable sources, even if they are not always translated in english.

Enic-naric :  A website in English with all the necessary information about degree/ diploma recognation and studying in Germany. 

Studyrama : an informative websit full of useful information. Country files propose many links to articles covered all the needs of a students wishing to leave : pre-departure formality, equivalence of degrees,and language requirement. 

Euroguidance : this website, is linked to ONISEP's link, it  propose country files dedicated to studies in different countries in/of the european union 

site section of the ministry of education website on the common european framework of reference for languages.

Daily life 

Site officiel du tourisme en Allemagne :  a lot of useful information about different cities that you should visit, also different tourist routes that can be taken .

Europa :section of the European union website on the european helath insurance card.

see also many sections on the website of LMDE and SMEBA  dedicated to student cover in case of mobility abroad. 

Mobility support/ assistance: 

Concerning the different possibility of financing,  please contact your international relations office for further information, in case the procedure for obtaining a grant goes directly through your institution ( e.g brittany regions's grant).

A section on the siteweb of  German academic exchange services on scholarships offered to foreign students on mobility in Germany.

A section on the siteweb of Ministry of foreign and european affairs on the possibilities of financing a mobility abroad.

 A section on the siteweb of the Britany's region about the different scholarship proposed  to the students of breton's region  in mobility. 

Other information websites 

house of french people abroad: A website of Ministry of foreign and european affairs, here you will find fact sheets  on countries around the world and  all kinds of information on going abroad and discussion forums.

Ministry of foreign and European affair's website: 1,5 million of visitor per month in Germany, this website propose practical and legal advice to the french people who wish to leave. the home page has a section "News" which informs in time many of events occuring  in all the world. 

to be noted: the possibility to subscribe freely ( free of charge) to RSS feeds for a large number of countries. 

 On the way to the world : a website realized by regional youth information center (CRIJ Bretagne) in relation with many partners, in  which  CMI: advises, testimony, and any useful adresses ...etc.

there is also practical information on studying abroad, and internship. 

Guide du routard : this website is intersting for the practical information that it  provides, but also for the highly formus. 

 Courrier international: The famous weekly newspaper  is present on the web, at the bottom of the site, in the section "Resorces", we can access to the country files which contains information about the economy, politics, and demographic of the country.

also we found links to the articles and files dedicated for each country. Ideal for an overview of the country's news before departure . 


Germany and student's mobility 

in 2005, 6 545 french student have chosen to settle down in germany, and they are not only the ones. with about 250 000 foreign students welcomed by universities and schools of the country. germany comes in the fourth place of the most popular country for foreign students